Matt Reeves Talks The Batman

Matt Reeves is busy promoting War for the Planet of the Apes, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t looking ahead to his next project, The Batman. He recently had some interesting things about where he wants to take the movie.

“For me, point of view is really important,” he said. “I want to make sure you are experiencing something from the perspective of the main character in the story. I’m a huge Hitchcock fan — I like the idea of being immersed in that perspective. Movies for me are about empathy. The idea is to make you, the audience, feel what the character — that you are not — feels. And so I really hope that will continue with Batman.”

“It’s a strange thing to be involved in the two franchises which were the two that I was connected to most as a child,” Reeves said. “I just was obsessed with Batman when I was a kid. What I find so interesting about him as a character is that, as far a superhero goes, he’s not superhuman, he is a person. And he is a tortured soul who is grappling with his past and trying to find a way to be in a world that has a lot that’s wrong with it and trying to find a way to reconcile all of that.”

He went on to compare the Dark Knight to Caesar from the “Planet of the Apes” films, saying they’re both “powerful” characters.

Reeves wouldn’t say when shooting would start for The Batman, but he did offer a small clue that pre-production could begin this fall and that they are in the very early stages.




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